Monday, 25 November 2013

Estero Llano Grande Park, Tx.Comon

Common Pauraque

Spiny Lizard

This Vermillion Flycatcher entertained us for quite a while.  Ruth Blackmon and I were trying to catch him in flight...You had about 3.5 seconds to catch him in flight.  I got really lucky... watched him start to take off and then used rapid shot.  I must admit I am pleased with this one... Ruth ...better luck next time! ;-)


Wendy Tippin said...

Hi Sharon & John:

Missed having you at the Christmas Social (your sister made out like a bandit with door prizes). I love the photo of the small spotted cat - I can almost hear him snarling!

Sharon said...

Thanks Wendy... We sure miss the club and the outings. Glad Judy got soor prizes :-) The Gladys Porter Zoo is a great place to visit. Some windows that get in the way, but many opportunities just the same. Have a very Merry Xmas! Cheers!